Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Week in Instagrams

This week was pretty slow event wise. I spent most of me week as a nanny or at work. I did get to spend some quality time with friends and I got some pretty new things to keep me happy.
first we have a project I'm working on with the little girl I watch. We're making a pillow!
I did a full closet purge and got rid of a TON of clothes I don't wear anymore. It felt amazing and now I have room for new clothes! :)
A little TJ Maxx trip with my friend, Brittney.
Gorgeous new shoes I bought while shopping with Brittney. I'm most excited about these. Who doesn't love a new pair of shoes?!
Last but not least, my new nail polish arrived from Amazon. I'm a bit late on the mint nail trend but for me it will always be a favorite.
Hope your week was great, too! Until next time! xo Emily

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New project

Today I started a new project with the help of my friend Katie!
I have an obsession with decorating my room and I'm always looking for ways to spruce it up. Katie has a "wall of awesome" in her room and she helped me create one of my own for my room. It is a work in progress but it makes me happy. :)
xo Emily

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Graceling, Fire, and Bitterblue

I am currently making my way through Graceling and Fire again before I read the next installment in this series. It is taking me longer to get through them then I'd like to admit, but once I finish I'll get to start Bitterblue and then we'll see if it lives up to expectations! ;)

Hi! I'm Emily and I am super excited to be starting this new blog! I've always wanted to start a blog and I since I'm not working today, I thought "Hey! Why not start now?"
I'll start with a little background about myself. I am currently 17 years old but my birthday is coming up soon so that's gonna change :) I will be a senior this coming year and will (finally) be completing high school. I love photography, fashion, interior design, and traveling. This blog will be for me to share my photos, diy projects, trips, and just my general life. I'll get started by posting a segment called "My Week in Instagrams" every Sunday. In the segment I will post 5 (or more) pictures of my everyday life taken with my Android and usually posted on Instagram (but not always). This is just a way for me to get used to the blogging lifestyle and I will be adding more things to my blog once I get accustomed to the responsibility.

So here I begin my adventure with a posting of My Week in Instagrams (I know it's not Sunday, please forgive me)!! So excited to share a bit of my life here.
4th of July fireworks!

This is the outfield of a baseball stadium where we set out out blankets and watched the fireworks from!

 I am an avid reader and the other day I found the time to take the girl I nanny to the park where I could sit and have some much needed reading time. The book I'm reading in this picture is called Insurgent. It is the sequel to the book Divergent, which I recommend to everyone!
This little guy is my best buddy. This is Mr. Marty Anderson the Moose Pillow Pet. Say hi Mr. Anderson! :)
This is a picture of my family and I. I am in the very middle (yeah the super pale one, I know) with my sister and mother on either side of me and my brother in front of me. My mom is also holding the little girl I nanny. We're waiting for the fireworks to start! 

So there we have it! My first post! I'm so excited for the future of this blog! 
Until next time! 
xo Emily